White County Shrine Club

Updated: Aug 10, 2019

To support both the fraternal and philanthropic mission of Murat Shriners.

Meeting Date: 4th Thursday of every month (except Nov. and Dec.)

Meeting Time: 6:30 pm

Place: Varies - Please message Club President

Interested in Joining? Conact:

Ralph E. Kauffman | 574-702-2036 | kauffman47@hotmail.com

Main Contacts:

President | Ralph E. Kauffman | 574-702-2036 | kauffman47@hotmail.com

Vice President | James Boyer | 574-870-6172 | jimflightpark@gmail.com

Secretary/Treasurer | Robert Tobey | 574- 870-3886 | tobey47960@gmail.com

Hospital Coordinatior | Richard Griffith | 574-870-9355 | rlgriffith@embarqmail.com

Club Information:

Mailing Address:

Box 115
Buffalo, IN 47925

Divan Representative:

Scott Roberts